Crossroads of Western Iowa Blog

Funding Questions to Ask a Case Manager

Posted by Kelly Smith on Jul 20, 2015 2:00:00 PM

We know that in order for a parent or guardian to find the right services for their loved one, questions consumer1_crossroadsofwesterniowaabout funding have to be answered early in the process. The answers to funding questions vary based on a wide variety of circumstances. The person who will give you the most thorough, accurate answer based on your family’s circumstance is a case manager.

To help you get the answers you need, we outlined 15 funding questions to ask your case manager.

  1. Is funding the same for everyone, no matter the person’s disability and level of care needed?
  2. Can we get one-on-one services funding?
  3. What are the cost of services?
  4. What are units? I’ve heard this phrase before and I’m not sure what it means.
  5. When will the provider be certified to be funded for client's with brain injuries?consumer3_crossroadsofwesterniowa
  6. How will funding be affected by my preference about the number of days per week I want my loved one to work or to participate in day programs?
  7. How will doctor appointments, which require my loved one to leave early, affect funding and programs available to them?
  8. Who transports my loved one to doctor appointments?
  9. Who transports my loved one to the provider?
  10. How many hours per day and per week will my loved one usually participate?
  11. What are the maximum (and minimum) number of days my loved one can be funded for?
  12. Does my loved one have to come every day?
  13. Can my loved one participate for just half a day?
  14. How does the need for 24-hour care affect funding?
  15. How often do you (the case manager) check in with my loved one and the provider about progress and care?

Be sure to add your own questions to the list. Making an informed decision is important for you and your loved one.

If you and your case manager decide you are ready to refer your loved one to Crossroads of Western Iowa for residential, day program or employment services, please fill out the Refer a client form.

Wondering what to ask a case manager about besides funding? Download our free document “Questions Every Guardian Should Ask a Case Manager.” 

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Topics: adult day program, LINKS program